Articles from
The Compleat
Mother Magazine
Why Men Leave�A Hidden Epidemic
- Assertion: Modern culture is in the midst of a hidden epidemic of
fathers leaving their families�usually around the time when the first child
is born. Men leave their families in a multitude of ways. Even if they remain
in the home, many fathers are often emotionally absent�through depression,
workaholism, violence/aggression, physical or emotional abuse, or a retreat
into addiction to substances, media, consumer goods, sports, food or sex.
Breastfeed Anyway
This is the book edited by Catherine Young. It is a work in progress but
there is enough here to keep you busy for awhile.
deadly influence of formula in America (opens new window)
Editor�s Note: This
groundbreaking analysis from noted author, health educator and advocate Dr.
Linda Folden Palmer is the first time a health expert has published an
examination of the available scientific research comparing the death rates of
formula-fed and breastfed babies. While the results hold no surprises for
breastfeeding educators and advocates, the study may prove to be a rude
awakening for the millions of Americans who have bought into the myth that
infant formula is a perfectly safe breast milk substitute.
It�s Not Easy Bein� Me
When I hear the popular
children�s song, �It�s Not Easy Bein� Green,� sung by the lovable character,
Kermit the Frog (a.k.a, Jim Henson), my heart hears instead, �It�s Not Easy
Bein� Me.� My thoughts turn to my son, Dustin, and the many children with
disabilities who are often shunned by their fellow classmates and peers.
10 Valuable Things Anyone Can Do To Truly Encourage
Parents To Empower Themselves During Conception, Pregnancy, Childbirth and
1.Adopt and express a belief in, and behave
in a manner supporting, parent's rights and abilities to make and carry out
the best decisions for themselves throughout childbearing processes.
Herbal Allies for
Pregnant Women *
Few women, however, understand that
vitamin/mineral supplements are more drug-like than food-like.
(opens new browser window)
vs Home-Grown�
by Karen Squires
We went through court and he became
legally ours although he was already ours by love.
(opens new browser window)
Be kind to your guts - (or you may lose
your milk)
I lost my milk supply. I�ve never had
that happen before and it has really made me ponder some things.
Birthin� and Readin�
As our family has gone back and forth from
homeschool to a variety of public school situations, I still feel strongly that
the main reason one should teach their own is the reading issue
More Effective Communication with Children
Another wonderful series in seven parts worth your consideration.
Nice three part series about the benefits of meditation.
No truth should lead us to become indifferent to how
our actions might affect others.
Children's Needs
Wonderful eight part series for your consideration.
Love in the
I�m a beginning husband and a beginning gardener, which is to say about the
same thing.
Breastfeeding Woes and Triumphs
When all you have ever known is the fantasy of crisp white nightgowns,
antique rocking chairs and breast milk that flows abundantly, a glitch in
the system is enough to rock your world.
True Terror
I was crazy, flat out
psychotic when the psychiatric profession got it�s hands on me, but I really
question the �care� I received from these people.
Robert Mendelsohn in his
book, Confessions of a Medical Heretic, claims the most political thing one
can do is to fall in love, get married and birth the babies at home.
Why traditional midwifery is important to me.......
By Chantel L. Bacon
The Professional Demarcation of Obstetric Medicine
and Traditional Midwifery
that define obstetrics and traditional midwifery are markedly different from
one another and, as such, constitute distinct cultures of care.
The Freedom to
fail and thoughts on death�.
It was Christmas time
eight years ago when I traveled home with Jeff to spend the holidays with my
Natural Man
Natural Woman
Jock Doubleday's fabulous newsletter for concerned parents
Persistence of Fathers
Dad persists. He persists in my own aging brain.
The Birth of Our History
The wise matriarch of our family gasped at the
awesomeness of the sight. Then, in the presence of us all, she sobbed.
Alternative Remedies for Post Partum
Depression/Psychosis: Oprah Winfrey Censors
I cried on Wednesday as I watched the Oprah show
partly because I could relate so well to the pain that others have felt, and
partly because I was relieved that I was not the only one feeling pain.
The Hound of Heaven
My fave poem. Why does it give me
goosebumps?. ~Greg Cryns
Wife: My Date
After 30 years, can you have a "date" with your wife?
Through Compassion
...what is the difference between babbling, early syllables and words,
and crying?
When giving birth - Romance or Rape?
The trauma and powerlessness I experienced during
my first birth was similar to accounts that I have read of molestation and rape.
Antenatal Testing: The Truth be Told
What about those tests? Do you really need them?
Circumcision...A Human Rights Issue
Americans routinely remove the healthy foreskin of
almost 63% of their newborn baby boys for no medical reason.
Tyranny of the
mind services social workers who are not
accountable to anyone and run roughshod over parents constitutional rights on!
Through Compassion
Jan Hunt's gentle look at how to teach babies
Girl gets
$4.7M for vaccine injuries
(links to an article on another site and opens a
new browser window)
My Blessing
The ultimate principle in all of this is LOVE....
Fungus or Roses?
It was during my teens that I began to question
all of these drugs I was taking for the myriad infections I was plagued
Alternative Remedies for Post Partum Depression/Psychosis: Oprah Winfrey
I am not able to sleep at night, I get heart palpitations all the time,
especially at night, I bite my lips incessantly (they bleed)...
Over the past decades a shift has occurred in the
hearts and minds of some parents.
Frightening moments when one mother's infant will
not latch correctly
moment in transition....
Allison Groves paints a vivid birthing description....
Being the Change I Wish to See in the World
Why is midwife Gloria LeMay fighting Goliath?
Jagged Little Pill
(full article at another site)- must read
What every pregnant woman should know
about a powerful new drug
An article about The Compleat Mother
Did you ever wonder how it all got started?
My Husband Calls Me �The Stephen King of
Warning! Strong language here. An angry mom pens her thoughts about modern
medical birth and more.
Rage On
Warning! Strong language here. An angry mom pens her thoughts about modern
medical birth and more.
Evolution of a Compleat Mother
One woman's trek.....
Weaning Story
"No mommy, I don't have that anymore I am a big
girl now. Booby is for babies."
Book Review: Misconceptions by Naomi Wolff
not everyone loves this book....
I always knew that I wanted a Donna Reed life. I had it, too.
My husband, Michael, went to the office each morning in his suit and tie,
carrying his brief case...
Contract Flesh-Eating Disease During Cesarean Sections
Who said hospital birth is safer?
Art of Breastfeeding
Nice article to give you encouragement.
Forget Our Children When Tragedy Strikes
had a good excuse to formula-feed...
My baby was born early, and I didn't get to hold or feed him for 6 hours...
For New Mothers The
Motherhood Conspiracy
Bizarre Pregnancy Facts No One Ever Told You About
Forget Our Children When Tragedy Strikes
Beginning....A love story
Divine birth as might not
thought of it before.
A must-read.
Marriage, Dreams, and a Miscarriage
Very compelling story with a
beautiful picture of this mother's breastfeeding baby.
Great article with much food for thought here.
One mother's intense feelings.
It Off
by Lisa Reagan
But how can I live without The Simpsons?
to the Core
by Kathleen
Harrah Sturm
How one mother's journey through a C-section led to her enlightenment.
(Ed. note: highly recommended)
"I Love Lucy" Educational?
By Jan Hunt
"Clearly, Shakespeare's plays were written with the intention of
entertaining a mass audience, just as many TV sitcoms and dramas are written
Doesn't My Mother Understand Me?
by Amy Rawson
"When I began speaking to my mother again after 13 years, she was
appalled at my parenting."
Doubleday's response to
Susan Gerhard's article in Salon
about her "botched homebirth."
every woman should watch for after giving birth
by Kathy Evans Wisner
Just what are those "blahs" you feel 3 to 7 months after
giving birth?
and Guilt
"Even some strong
breastfeeding advocates are disarmed by this "not making mothers feel
guilty" ploy.
Michael Belkin's Written
Congressional Testimony on the Hepatitis B Vaccine which killed
his daughter.
a Midwife?
The best article about the
state of midwifery in the U.S. that I've ever read-Greg Cryns.
Russian And Pregnant
By Anna Badkhen , The Moscow Times
Fascinating description about what it's like to be pregnant in Russia.
Milk vs. Breast Milk
Why didn't I think of this
before? You will be amazed, for sure!
for Cloth Diapers
Great article about the
benefits of cloth diapering and how to care for those diapers.
$25,000 Challenge
by Jock Doubleday (a real
offer about home birth)
Certainly Are Misunderstood!
By Steven C. Staats
"You thought you were happily smiling at your child from a hard stadium
seat or a hot packed auditorium,"
The Treasure of
Newborn Time
by Elisabeth Hallett
Another Way
To Promote Infant Health
by Jennifer Coburn (co-sleeping article)
Cost Benefits of Breastfeeding
by Karen M. Zeretzke
about Epidurals" Parenting
Trashing the Ezzo Theory
The Faulty
Theology of the Ezzos
A Christian mother examines the Ezzo child-rearing theory
from the theological aspect.
Parenting in a Detached World
by Jennifer Coburn
Caesarian Fact Sheet
Parenting and Depression
by Linda E. Katz, Ph. D.
The Instinct of
by Candace Whitridge, CNM
by Audra Krystell Kish
My Anti-Vaccine
by Jan Tritton, editor Midwifery Today Magazine
Side Effects of Not
Breastfeeding Newborns
from Pediatric News
Rupture of Membranes (PROM)
By Elizabeth Bruce
What is it? How is it treated?
Past A Year
Wonderful article about why extended nursing is good.
More in the
The Shelf
Life of Fear
As the spotlight of fear studies moves from rats and rabbits to humans, the
most recent results from the animal lab may be telling us that fear hasa
long shelf life in the cells where its memory is warehoused. Joseph
LeDoux, Greg Quirk and
Chris Repa experimentally created anxiety in rats and then electronically
eavesdropped on single brain cells in the animals' amygdalas. Once certain
cells have been coupled by the perception of dangerous circumstances, they
discovered, these cells continue to fire in unison, even after the animal
has abandoned the behavior rooted in fear.
Fear, in other words, has soldered the circuitry of these rats into a
permanent state, waiting for the right circumstances to trigger the effect
again. 'The party line is that fear is forever, says Le Doux."
For those of us concerned with longterm effects of circumcision,
spanking, daycare or the practice of
"letting them cry it out" the semantics of how fear is
hardwired in the brain is most relevant.
Duane Voskuil, Ph.D
[email protected]
Stop the formula
pushers-boycott Nestle!
The Infant Peni$
What is the primary function of the penis?
A. Urination,
B. Procreation,
C. Recreation, or
D. to generate income for the stock market
It depends on the age of the person it is attached to. In an infant, the
primary function is urination. The function of the foreskin in an infant is
protection and maintenance of comfort.
These days, babies experience alot of discomfort due to being circumcised
and in synthetic diapers. Nature did not design it like that. Babies
were intended to have foreskins snugly protecting the glans. They were also
intended to be fed nothing but mothers' milk, which produces a stool that
does not irritate the skin.
The stools from formula can rip the colon, and eat right through the skin.
In our society, babies are denied both foreskins and mothers' milk. That's
called progress. Companies cash in on this, selling their formula, gripe
water, Tylenol, diaper rash cream, and more disposable diapers. When none of
those purchases satisfy the baby, parents go to a pediatrician, and receive
expensive perscriptions for their 'high needs baby' They usually aren't
explained; how circumcision and formula feeding created the problem. Better,
apparently for the parents to do it all again with baby's sibling than feel
a twinge of guilt about falling into advertising traps.
The correct answer, unfortunately, is d.
Darillyn Starr and Catherine Young
Questionable Docs
When the state hands out
a license to practice medicine, it bestows an extraordinary power on that
doctor, granting him or her the authority to see us naked, to cut us pen, to
inject chemicals into our bodies, and literally to affect whether we live or
Now, what if this
individual has proven unworthy of such trust, having sexually abused some
patients, for example or become a drug addict, or simply being incompetent?
You'd want to know that, right? But mostly, we trusting patients are not
informed about abusive, negligent, dangerous or shoddy doctors. Even those
who are caught by the medical review boards generally get protected by the
establishment, maybe getting a slap on the wrist, but allowed to keep their
licenses and to keep practicing.
A decade ago, Congress
finally mandated that a data bank be created to store details about all
those "bad docs" in America who have been officially sanctioned by
authorities or successfully sued for malpractice. Problem is, Congress also
mandated that this information be kept secret from us patients. So there are
thousands of practicing doctors out there guilty of serious medical
offenses, but their patients are not even informed about them, much less
This is why a new set of
books by Public Citizens' Health Research Group is so valuable. Called 16,638
Questionable Doctors, it provides for us what the
government and the profession are hiding: a state-by-state, case-by-case,
name-by-name record of doctors in america who have been disciplined by
medical authorities. It also includes information on what you can do to
report a doctor.
This is Jim Hightower
saying...Check-out the docs in your own town. Regional listing are available
for $23.50. Better yet, ask your library to order copies so others in your
community can check this vital consumer resource. For
odering information, call Public Citizen: 202-588-1000.
-Jim Hightower, The
Progressive Populist, October 1998
Jim Hightower's Website
The Progressive Populist Website
That man over there say
a woman needs to be helped into carriages
and lifted over ditches
and to have the best place everywhere.
Nobody ever helped me into carriages or over mud puddles
or gives me a best place...
And ain't I a woman?
Look at me
Look at my arm!
I have plowed and planted
and gathered into barns
and no man could head me...
And ain't I am woman?
I could work as much
and eat as much as a man---
when I could get to it---
and bear the lash as well
and ain't I a woman?
I have born 13 children
and seen most all sold into slavery
and when I cried out a mother's grief
none but Jesus heard me...
and ain't I a woman?
that little man in
black there say
a woman can't have as much rights as a man
cause Christ wasn't a woman
Where did your Christ come from?
From God and a woman!
Man had nothing to do with him!
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside
down, all alone
together women ought to be able to turn it rightside up again.
Sojourner Truth, 1797-1883
If I Had My
Child To Raise Over Again
If I had my child to
raise all over again,
I'd build self-esteem
first, and the house later.
I'd finger-paint more,
and point the finger less.
I would do less
correcting and more connecting.
I'd take my eyes off my
watch and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less
and know to care more.
I'd take more hikes and
fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious,
and seriously play.
I would run more fields
and gaze at more stars.
I'd do more hugging and
less tugging
I'd see the oak tree in
the acorn more often.
I would be firm less
often, and affirm much more.
I'd model less about the
love of power,
And more about the power
of love.
Diane Loomans
Chew On This
If shop mannequins were
real women they would be too thin to menstruate.
There are three billion
women who don't look like supermodels and only eight women who do.
If Barbie were a real
woman, she'd have to walk on all fours, due to her proportions.
The average American
woman weighs 144 lbs. and wears between a size 12 and 14.
The Medical
Misogynists Guide
to Malevolent Maternity Care
Size them up, Butter
them up, Wind them up, Work them up, Shut them up, Feel them up, Hook
them up, Shoot them up, Rough them up, Tie them up, Cut them up, Wake
them up, Lock them up, Hush them up, and $Hold them up$.
By Jody McLaughlin (Editor of the Complete Mother
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