- We
get letters! What beautiful photos by Lisa Pflaum in the #85 issue and on the cover. I am a Nurse and Lactation Consultant. I am also in the process of becoming a Doula for postpartum mothers. I specialize in working with moms and babies (the whole family) with breastfeeding. Every day I see many new mothers struggle. I see them having difficulty with latch, positioning and many other things. I have written some articles and I am wondering if you could use a freelance writer. I am credentialed and I come with experience, knowledge and I think my information is good, precise and could really help other mothers out there. I would like to reach out to more families around the world then just the ones I work with in the hospital. I love what I am doing and would love to get more GOOD information out to new moms. Jennifer L. Reynolds, Long Beach, California I made the decision to have a homebirth after two c-sections. I just KNEW I would be OK at home and knew I would end up with a c-section in the hospital. I loved breastfeeding my babies and nursed them until they were ready to wean, both of my girls were almost four. My son only nursed for two weeks because he couldn�t latch properly and since he was my first baby, I didn�t know where to turn. Lisa Pflaum Photographer, Medina, OhioI do miss my Mother. I have neglected this renewal as funds have been especially tight this past year. I�m giving myself (and friends) a present for the New Year. Send a bulk subscription. Lynn Ofori, Wethersfield, Connecticut I would like a subscription and three years of Compleat Mother�s back issues.I�m looking forward to some juicy reading. Melody Bourne, Brunswick, Victoria, Australia Renew my subscription, I can�t get enough "Mother." Rachelle Boatright, Indianapolis, Indiana Could you please start up my subscription where the last one expired? I�m including extra dollars to go towards someone who can�t afford a subscription. Jodi Eckel Cifrese, East Windsor, New Jersey I would like you to send three years of back issues for my sister Lia, expecting in May. Whatever you send she will love. Also include a gift card that says "Here is a treasure of birth stories and more to inspire you for this birth. Enjoy!" Becky Cronin, Willimantic, Connecticut I am interested in obtaining a copy of Hilary Jacobson�s book Mother Food: food and herbs that promote milk production and a mother�s health with special sections on colic, allergy, depression, weightloss, and low milk supply, for Breastfeeding Mothers from around the world. I will be renewing my subscription soon. Davina Pace, Doula, Leonard, MichiganI am a midwife who used to get Compleat Mother and loved it but then I started moving around the world and became a lapsed reader... now renewing with a Digital subscription. I would also like a Digital subscription for my friend Elisa Peterson in Cairo, Egypt. Ramona Denk, Grand Rapids, Michigan
I am interested in obtaining a copy of Hilary Jacobson�s book Mother Food: food and herbs that promote milk production and a mother�s health with special sections on colic, allergy, depression, weightloss, and low milk supply, for Breastfeeding Mothers from around the world. I will be renewing my subscription soon. Davina Pace, Doula, Leonard, MichiganI am a midwife who used to get Compleat Mother and loved it but then I started moving around the world and became a lapsed reader... now renewing with a Digital subscription. I would also like a Digital subscription for my friend Elisa Peterson in Cairo, Egypt. Ramona Denk, Grand Rapids, Michigan
I would like to renew my subscription, a Winter Supply of Mother�s Tea and a copy of Lynn Griesemer�s Your Body, Your Birth CD. I already have Elena Tonetti�s video Birth as We Know It and a copy of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley. I am a birth and postpartum doula. I am providing care for a family that recently adopted a baby. Mindy Galamaga, Boynton Beach, FloridaThis is actually a renewal, sort of... I let me subscription lapse, it�s been a bit. I am moving tomorrow from Georgia back to Houston. I�m hoping to apprentice myself to a midwife when I get back, and I�ll upgrade my subscription to bulk and become an Area Rep. for my favorite magazine in the world. I would also like copies of the issues since my subscription lapsed. I will ask my mom to ship my collection of old Compleat Mothers and then order any other missing issues. Charity "Kat" Allen, Houston, TexasI would like to respond to a letter publish in Litters from Summer�07 issue. I did not actually write this letter. This information was put together not by myself, and in no way reflects on how I feel about the tenderness and dedication of midwifery training, or the places of birth mentioned. I would hope to never reflect any birth place or provider, or my own personal training in such a disrespectful and unprofessional manner and this should be thought about before printing so effortlessly on the part of the magazine, especially when it was a letter that I never actually had written. In the future please respect providers and journalism rules for that matter. Sincerely, a dedicated reader for years, Charlotte McCarvel. Missoula, Montana Renew my subscription please, I miss my Mom. I will email a PayPal payment. The International Cesarean Awareness Network of Augusta is presenting a special pre-release screening of The Business of Being Born. It is the # one emailed story on the Augusta Chronicle right now and maybe we can make a difference. I love Compleat Mother�s short film Birth Joy and Raspberry Leaves. It is the best birth video I have seen, and only 20 minutes long, these few minutes can change our world. Lynn Reed, Augusta, Georgia I�ve read Complete Mother through two pregnancies and am still reading it. I have enclosed photos of my dear hubby Derrick wearing our wonderful Miss Gabby. She is the most perfect creature anyone could ever ask for. The second photo is our dear daughter Gabriella nursing. Gabriella was breech and born five weeks early. She is truly a blessing. Compleat Mother is an inspiration to all. Please note our new address. Amanda Dearden, Redding, California
I found a 2005 issue of Compleat Mother at a co-op in Ithaca. This is an important �out-of-the-mainstream� magazine for our Holistic Moms Network. I appreciate the articles about natural parenting, breastfeeding, information about the vaccine controversy and everything else. I would like a subscription of 20 magazines per issue, a copy of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering and the DVD Birth as We Know It.Dawn Ashbridge, Holistic Moms, Syracuse Chapter, Liverpool, New York I would like a subscription to this quarterly magazine. I found information about Compleat Mother Magazine in the back of a VBAC book. Christina Collins, Archie, MissouriI�m supposed to be on vacation but my end-of-June woman has not birthed yet. I am going for a walk and will keep Compleat Mother near my heart. If I loved you anymore it would not fit on the planet or maybe even in the solar system and I just wanted you to know that. Nancy Wainer, Needham, Massachusetts
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