pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding magazine

The Mother
Tea Company



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 The Mother's Pure, Organic, Raspberry Leaf Tea is an ideal beverage for reproductive women, athletes, the elderly,
anyone in recovery, teenagers and children.

Men in mid-life crisis, with exhausted adrenals, and dieters are well-advised to drink soothing, refreshing Mother Tea, hot or cold, several times a day.   Rinse your teapot with hot water, add a handful of organic, air-dried Mother Tea, and water brought just to a boil, let steep twelve minutes. Milk is not generally added, although honey, lemon, and mint have, in adventurous households. Most of us enjoy it beautifully plain. If you intend to keep it overnight it is best to store it in your refrigerator.  

Cloth diapers are not the same as they were 20 years ago.  Now modern cloth diapers and diaper covers are stylish, economical, and environmentally friendly.  Check out these great cloth diapers and organic baby clothes here today!

Mother Tea Popsicles are a delight not to be missed in this lifetime. Simply pour cooled tea into an ice-cube tray and remove when frozen.

Besides being consumed regularly during pregnancy, women often drink raspberry tea during labor. This is because raspberry leaves contain an alkaloid called fragarine, which is said to make labor easier due to its effectiveness as a tonic for the pelvic muscles and uterus.

When taken after birthing, raspberry tea facilitates placental delivery, helps decrease uterine swelling, and helps prevent postpartum bleeding. Drinking raspberry tea until the time of birthing is so nutritious, it helps to ensure that the colostrum (the first breast milk) will be especially rich. However, it is not used excessively during lactation due to its astringent properties that can decrease milk supply.

When menopausal women use raspberry leaf, it helps promote healthy uterine tone and minimize hot flashes.

Henry Box, an English Quaker herbalist, said, A tea made from red raspberry leaves is the best gift God gave to women. Now, that might be exaggerating things a bit, but it does show great appreciation for such a versatile herb.

Breastmilk: World's Best Baby Food

Nutrition Info per serving
Serving size per container: 1-8 oz.
Servings per Package 8-12/24 hours
Percentage US RDA 100%
Protein 100%
Fat 100%
Vitamins 100%
Minerals 100%
IgA 100%
Lactoferrin 100%
Lysozyme 100%
Leukocytes 100%
Ingredients: Pure components with no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives
Quality Guaranteed

     An old Latin saying tells of this herb: "Let it be awarded to the fairest of these womankind." Women, especially, benefit from the herb's normalizing properities. Tea conoisseurs will be surprised by the robust and distinctive taste of Raspberry leaf. Reminiscent of fine imported black teas, its deep amber color and full-bodied flavor will please the most discriminating tea drinkers.
     The raspberry plant is best known for its luscious red berries, with their fragrant, cooling and succulent taste. The leaves of this widely cultivated shrub are also valuable. They are best harvested in the spring, just before the flowers mature.



Over one million infants die every year from not being breastfed; between three and four thousand every day. Nestle, American Home Products (AHP), Abbott Laboratories, Bristo-Myers, Squibb, and other companies promote their infant formulas, bottles, and other products in violation of the World Health Organization's International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitues.

Blessed the woman
Who has known the pangs of birth
For she has held a star

Millions of children in the United States receive up to 35% of their entire lifetime dose of some carcinogenic pesticides by age 5.
Environmental Working Group
June 1993, Wash. D.C.

A housewarming is to give another chance to people who didn't send wedding gifts.

The Tall and the Short of It

If you are curious how tall your child might get to try this new formula:
For boys take their three year old height in centimeters, multiply it by 1.29, and then add 54.9 cm. For girls, the calculation is the same, but add only 43.3 cm.
Family Practice News
(Ed. note: you could just check out how big their feet are....always worked for me)

At Least They Tried

The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska was $80,000. At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively saved animals were released back into the wild amid cheers and applause from onlookers. A minute later they were both eaten by a killer whale.

"Among the teachings of Baha'u'llah is one requiring man, under all conditions and circumstances, to be forgiving, to love his enemy and to consider an ill-wisher as a well-wisher.  Not that he should consider one as being an enemy and then put up with him, or to simply
endure him, or to consider one as inimical and be forebearing towards
...Nay, rather, you must see your enemies as friends, ill-wishers as
well-wishers and treat them accordingly.  That is to say, your love and kindness must be real."
(Abdu'l-Baha, quoted in "Star of the West",
Vol IV, No.11, p. 191)

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The ideal beverage for reproductive women, the elderly, anyone in recovery, teenagers and children, our tea is abundant in Potassium  (441 ppm.), Calcium (121 ppm) and Magnesium  (93 ppm). It is also rich in all important trace minerals such as Manganese (.52 pm), Zinc  (.35 ppm) Iron (.04 ppm) and Chromium (.02 ppm). The Mother Tea is a gentle, soothing,  nourishing drink morning, noon and night.

You can order SECURELY on line  below (just click on the "Buy Item" button):

Winter Supply (100 gm)

$12 + $4 p/h
 Total: $16.00

For international postal rates for Mother's Tea email� [email protected]  .
The  Mother Tea Company

Checks are accepted in US funds.

Tea Talk

Thought I'd break down and buy a bale, The Winter Supply goes too quickly.
Cathy Kingdon, Edmonton, Alberta

I'm visiting my parents for the holidays, in Granville, Ohio, but  will bring back the bale of  Mother Teafor me and friends.
Kay Clarke, Tokyo, Japan

Yesterday the test confirmed what I already knew: I am pregnant with my third child.   Wanted but unexpected.  I like the unexpected.  Send The Tea.
Stefani Brown, Toronto, Ontario

No body is pregnant right now, but we can always pretend! Send  The Tea.
Mira Fannin, Cinti, Ohio

I like the way different types of mothers,  (Christian, Wiccan and otherwise) from different backgrounds can all come together and agree on the most profound issues of birthing, breastfeeding and mothering. We just found out we're expecting our second; send The Tea.
Kara Lucas, Clovis, California

Send more tea; it is wonderful!
Kris Keast, Pinehouse Lake, Saskatchewan

Although I'm ordinarily not a tea drinker, I do
like The Tea.
Kathy Orlinsky, Irvine, California

I'm trying for my second baby, so I'd like The Tea.
Cora Fross, Rushville, Illinois

I love having a baby around the house; my little sister is seven months old.  My mom would love some of  The Mother Tea for Christmas; I hope you're still around when I have kids.
Mary Kathleen Homan, Edmond, Oklahoma

Send tea; I'm too frazzled to write more.
Ann Stinson, Hotchkiss, Colorado

It worked! I'm pregnant! No fertility drugs, no
surgery, no doctors, no tests.  If I ever come down to earth I'll be ordering more of The Tea.
Susan Delmair, Wauchope, Saskatchewan

A friend of mine let me have some of her Mother Tea, and there's no comparing it to any other I've tried.  Wish I'd ordered it sooner.
Alicia Miecznkowski, Guelph, Ontario

I am full of hope; we just started trying to
conceive our second child and plan a homebirth this time. Send The Tea.
Kristy Hom, Sierra Vista, Arizona

It's been -20 to -25 degrees Celsius for weeks; I need more tea to see me through.   Maren, 20 months old, must like it too because she nurses at a furious pace when I drink it.
Hazel Ling, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Thank you for  your ongoing work.  Send
the tea to my sister, with directions for storage and brewing.  It is a joy.
Tara Dancing, Dayton, Ohio


I'm planning to share The Tea with my mother, who is recovering from cancer treatments.   (Doctors don't treat them any better than newborns, as youmight imagine.)
Wini Hawn, Chicago, Illinois

My school age son, Raphael, who is anemic,
really benefited  from The Tea, last year.  I just
realized this after giving him Royal Jelly only,
this winter, without The Tea. He looks pale andis tired; send it airmail.
Karina Ebrani, Kfar Saba, Isreal


Send The Mother Tea; my fourth child is due in late February and I'll need it iced to survive the Minnesota summer and then hot in the winter.
Kathryn Oliver Garnet, Rochester, Minnesota

Send a community bale. Do raspberries grow in New York?
Angie Mason, Cambridge, Ontario

About time I shock my inlaws and conservative friends further, and bring gorgeous smiles to my sisters. Send POSTCARDS.
Kim Foshay, Kingston, Ontario

My first bale of The Tea lasted through most of my pregnancy. My four-year-old son, who just weaned, and I, absolutely loved it. I ran out in my ninth month and got some from the bulk food store. It wasn't the same; I had to throw it out. I was amazed at the difference. Send another bale quick.
Nina Sutcliffe, Middletown, California

I ran out of The Tea in July, and we've been sick since then. Send more; I'm nursing my six-month-old.
Nicole Guerrier, Hudson Heights, Quebec

The Mother is inspirational; send The Tea.
Vivian Simone, Richmond Hill, Ontario

I couldn't survive the pressure from "friends", relatives and society without the infusion of The Mother's energy. Send The Tea, and the energy, to my sister, due in May. I love her beyond words, and we are too far apart, geographically.
Laura Fitz, Jupiter, Florida

Send a Community Bale of Mother's Tea. I've tried other raspberry leaf teas but none ever touches yours in the way of quality.
Laura Fitz, Jupiter, Florida

I have forgotten what water tastes like. I love Mother's Tea,. Please send me a Community Bale. Even my husband loves your tea. Everything in Queens, New York is great. I'm still nursing our three year old.
Vanessa Paultre, Forest Hills, New York


Rinse your teapot with hot water, and empty it. Add a handful of organic, air-dried in the dark Mother Tea leaves. Cover with boiling water, and let steep ten minutes. If you just want to make a cup, use one teaspoon of our leaves. The Mother Tea is precious hot or cold; if you intend to keep it overnight, it is best stored in the refrigerator.

Iced Mother Tea is delicious plain, with ice, a slice of lemon and a dash of brown sugar.

The Mother Tea Popsicles are a delight not to be missed in this lifetime. Simply pour cooled tea into an ice-cube tray and remove when frozen. Please let us know of your experiences with The Mother Tea.

Pliny the Elder first wrote about Rubus Idaeus, around 50 A.D. The Roman scholar and author of 37 books made mention of "raspberry leaf tea that is famous, soothing and aromatic, best known as a curer of problems connected with women: frigidity, menstrual discomfort, labour pains and difficult menopause."

The Ojibwa Indians understood the value of raspberry leaf tea also. They knew it helped mothers have a healthy pregnancy, quick labour, a strong baby and breastfeeding success. Today, raspberry leaves are notable partus preaparaturae, and can be freely recommended throughout pregnancy, during birth,and while breastfeeding.

Store your tea in a tin or glass container, in your refrigerator, if you have room, or in a cupboard. Large amounts keep very well in a freezer.

The Mother Tea contains potassium (441 ppm.), calcium (121 ppm.), magnesium (93 ppm.) and the important trace minerals, magnesium, zinc, iron and chromium.

The Mother Tea is a gentle, soothing drink, morning, noon and night. It is appreciated by pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, athletes, people under stress, children, teenagers, the elderly and anyone in recovery.

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