Rethinking Education Conference

Compleat Mother's Jody McLaughlin will be speaking at this conference. She is happy to meet and talk with you in person. Also, you will receive 5 FREE back issues of The Compleat Mother magazine if you mention that you are a fan of Compleat Mother when you sign up to attend the conference. 

Early Registration Deadline is Thursday, April 30th!

Labor Day Weekend
Friday, Sept. 4 - Tuesday, Sept. 8

Marriott Solana Hotel & Spa
Westlake, TX
(1/2 hour west of Dallas)

It's Easy To REGISTER: just call 817.540.6423, visit the website or download the PDF file and send it in. 

Join hundreds of families from around the globe as we rethink the meanings of education, learning, parenting...and life!

Rethinking Education is rethinking EVERYTHING in 2009!

Our conference supports attachment parenting, unconditional love, support for each person�s unique journey of life experience, freedom with responsibility, unschooling and you.

YOU are the vital ingredient at this conference, as we come together and revel in the magic and mystery of kindred spirits and each other�s rich diversity, as we challenge ourselves to trust the extraordinary process of living and learning, the wondrous ability to improve the ways we communicate, discovering new ways of listening to one another, giving full support to our dreams, no matter how wild or ordinary,
large or small.

You are invited! Are you ready?

Featured Sessions Announced

Daniel Quinn
author of Ishmael, The Story of B,
       My Ishmael, Beyond Civilization

   Rethinking Everything - Ishmael & Beyond

Brent Cameron
radical educator, unschool father,
        creator of SelfDesign

  Am I in the World or Is the World in Me?
  Re-Visioning Ourselves In Time & Space

SelfDesign Sessions:

Politics of the Family -
  Language of Agreement and Respect

Enthusiasm -
  The Heart of Authentic Learning and Living

Strategies are Intelligence -
  Spelling Perfectly - Insights into How we Learn

The Long Term Life-Long Results of Unschoolng -
  Insights into 27 Graduates

SelfDesign Paragon - The Ways that Human
  Beings Learn ...

SelfDesign LifeSpiral

Scott Noelle
parenting coach and author of
       Daily Grooves book and website

� Seven Powers of Attraction Parenting
� Radical Honesty
� Hunter Gatherer Consciousness
� Unschool Choir

Dayna Martin
unschool mother,
        creator of Unschooling America

� Living Outside the Box
� Radical Forgiveness
� Trusting the Master that is Your Child
� Moving through Black Hole Experiences
� Un-Ruling
� Attraction Birth

Jody McLaughlin
publisher of Compleat Mother

� Joyful Parenting
� Repercussions of Permissive Parenting
� Breastfeeding and Ecology
� Politics of Healthcare
� Nothing but Sex: with Respect, Integrity and Joy

There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen

Our Rethinking weekend focus will feature tracks on:
Freedom & Education
Parenting & Community
Alternative Therapies for Wellbeing
Gobs of cool sessions & activities for Kids, Teen, Young Adults
"One Big Apartment" for Teens & Young Adults
Art, Music, Dance




To order a subscription, please visit our SUBSCRIPTION page.

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Birth, Joy, & Raspberry Leaves
-a new video compiled by Catherine and Amanda Young
of The Compleat Mother

Go HERE for more information on the waterbirth video!







Click here to read: The Farmer and the Obstetrician



Click here for the Home Sweet Homebirth (Video)

video cover