Midwife Mary

It's a new millenium and Midwife Mary is called to that ancient, time-honored profession -- midwifery!  Mary is ready to attend a homebirth with just about everything that's needed. 

For comfort, Mary has a pink T-shirt with a Le Leche League motif and she also has a pair of "Birkenstocks."   Her birth bag includes herbal tinctures, a and other items, nasal syringe, placenta bowl, cord tape, clipboard, scale and sling for weighing the baby, baby cap and a box of gloves.  Also included are 4 towels for drying the baby and 2 wash cloths for mom's perineum. To help May pass time at a long birth, she brings her copy of The Compleat Mother magazine.

Midwife Mary is dressed in slacks or dress, depending on availability.  You may request either blond, red or dark brown hair.



herbal tinctures 

stethoscope and blood pressure cuff


sling for weighing baby


Most of the accessories are lovingly hand-crafted by Yvonne Cryns.
Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

All proceeds are donated to the Yvonne Cryns Legal Defense Fund.

Price: $55.00
(Includes Priority Mailing with delivery confirmation)

Three ways to order:

1) For secure online ordering just click the "Buy Now" button:

2) You can send your payment through Pay Pal, then email me at [email protected] 
with your order and hair color for the doll.

3) Or please send your check or money order to:

Yvonne Cryns
5703 Hillcrest
Richmond, IL  60071

New! The Doula Doll
Check out the Compleat Mother miniature!

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Ways to Order:

1) To order online with your credit card,
please go to our Subscription Page!

2) Call me at 815-678-7531

3) Send your check and/or any mail to (U.S. orders only):

Greg Cryns
The Compleat Mother Magazine
5703 Hillcrest
Richmond, Illinois 60071
Phone: (815) 678-7531


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Birth, Joy, & Raspberry Leaves
-a new video compiled by Catherine and Amanda Young
of The Compleat Mother

Go HERE for more information on the video!

Home Sweet Homebirth (Video)

video cover

Midwives have existed since the beginning of humanity. Why, then, is it so difficult to find a midwife in America?  What events occurred between the mid 1800's until the present day which nearly made midwifery extinct in America? And why are more families now looking into homebirth as a refuge from hospital care?
Home Sweet Homebirth provides the answers. Interviews with noted doctors, historians and midwives. Very interesting and informative video.